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Burchester Tales 11: Ailsby Place

Gus and Lee are both a little nervous, as they arrive at Davy's party.

Burchester Tales: Episode 11

Ailsby Place by H. Lewis-Foster

As he stood outside Davy’s front door, Gus’s mind drifted back to the first time he’d stood here in Ailsby Place a little less than a year ago. It may have been one of the Maynard family’s smaller properties, but Gus had been blown away by its grandeur. He’d hardly dared walk up the Georgian stone steps to the townhouse’s imposing black door, and he’d been terrified of getting fingermarks on the perfectly polished doorknocker in the grisly guise of a lion’s head.

Gus was less daunted by the place now, as he tapped the snarling brass cat against the door. He knew every corner of the house, from the old servants’ quarters to the stately drawing room, having drunk, eaten and had sex in most of them. Gus had loved those idyllic months with Davy before they began to drift apart, and he hoped they’d always be friends, but as he heard footsteps approach down the hallway, he couldn’t help feeling a little nervous. He looked over at Lee, who was standing next to him and looking equally apprehensive.

Lee smiled despite his obvious unease, took Gus’s hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Gus sometimes wondered if Lee was lying about his age. He seemed so mature and sensible for an eighteen-year-old; not in a boring way of course, and he could be as daft as any first-year when he wanted to be, but there was something trustworthy and stable about Lee, which Gus found attractive and strangely sexy. Gus was about to lean across and give Lee an appreciative kiss, when a torrent of noise gushed through the opening door.

Amidst the stream of voices and music, Davy raised his voice to make himself heard. “Gus, darling, you made it. And Lee, too. How delightful to see you again.”

Ravishing as ever in in a blue silk shirt and vintage drainpipe trousers, Davy clasped his arm around Gus in welcome and kissed him very nearly, but not quite, on the mouth. Then Gus watched as Davy did the same to Lee, who flinched only slightly at Davy’s extravagant gesture. Gus wasn’t sure if he liked his ex kissing his boyfriend, even if it was only on the cheek.

On the one hand, it was great to see them being so civilised, as Gus hoped they would grow to be friends; on the other, he also knew how flirtatious Davy could be. It had never bothered him when they were going out, as he’d trusted Davy completely. Even if he kissed someone or pinched their bum, both Gus and the recipient knew it was only done in fun.

With Lee, however, Gus was uncomfortable seeing his fleeting physical intimacy with Davy. For one alarming moment, Gus felt an irrational urge to reach out and pull Davy away from Lee. He may have been mature for his age, but Lee was still inexperienced, and Gus couldn’t bear the thought of him being upset, albeit unintentionally, by a natural flirt like Davy.

Gus’s protective impulse passed before he could act on it, and Lee didn’t seem too perturbed, as he followed their host into the grand hallway. Davy walked languidly along the white marble floor, pointing out the various rooms and their occupants as they passed.

“Dancers in the drawing room if you’re feeling energetic. Snoggers in the sitting room if you’re in an amorous mood—” Davy turned to Gus with a knowing grin. “—which I’m sure you will be at some point this evening. And drinks are downstairs in the kitchen.” He descended the wooden staircase, which would have been used by maids and footmen in earlier years. “What would you like to start off with? There’s a sublime single malt I brought from home, if you’d like to try it.”

Gus wasn’t in the mood for whisky and figured he’d stick with his usual white wine. He’d learned a lot on the subject from Davy, whose time in his family’s vineyards had made him something of an expert, but thankfully not a pretentious one. As they went into the kitchen, with its inviting range stove and huge wooden table, Gus was dithering between his favourite Pinot Grigio and the widely underrated Riesling. Then he saw Lee blush sweetly as he surveyed the bucolic array of bottles, cans and glasses on the table. Gus’s decision was made for him in an instant.

“I’ll just have a glass of water, if that’s all right. Same for you, Lee?”

He turned to Lee, who he hoped would be smiling with relief. Instead, his face was an even deeper shade of crimson, as he stuttered, “You have whatever you want, Gus. Wine, beer, whisky—I don’t mind, really I don’t.”

Before Gus could reply, Davy gasped apologetically, “I’m so sorry, Lee. I forgot you weren’t a dreadful boozer like the rest of us. Now what have we got for the man with more refined tastes?”

Davy opened the cavernous fridge and poked around its contents, before extracting a brightly-coloured carton. “Grape juice. Perfect.” He winked conspiratorially at Lee. “We’ll stick it in a wine glass and no one will know the difference.”

As Davy took two glasses and filled them with juice, he chatted with Lee, asking him about his course and his flatmates, and Gus remembered why he’d fallen for Davy. It wasn’t his looks or his money, but his wonderfully affable, generous nature, and in that moment Gus truly hoped they would remain friends for a very long time.

Gus was taking his drink, when a girl in the highest heels known to fashion tottered into the kitchen.

“Davy, dear, I’m afraid Giles has spilled rum on the drawing room carpet. Do you have something to clean it with?”

“Bloody hell.” Davy rolled his eyes and grabbed a cloth from the sink. “Remind me never to throw a party ever again, Gus.”

“I will.” Gus laughed as Davy departed, then he turned his attentions to Lee. “Thanks for coming, Lee. I’m so glad you’re getting along with Davy.”

“How could I not get on with him? He’s the most charming man on the planet.” Lee smiled warmly as he pulled Gus to him. “But he seems like a good bloke, too. I can see why you like him so much.” Lee’s smile took on a mischievous air, as he drew Gus even closer. “Now where do you fancy going? Dancing room or snogging room?”

Once more, Gus's decision was made for him in an instant.

© H. Lewis-Foster 2015. All rights reserved.

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